Filtering by: “Publications”
What operators are important for the density matrix during the non-adiabatic interaction?
Computing the non-adiabatic dynamics by observables. Beginning of a new project! So excited :D
How to compute the nuclear dynamics on a quantum computer?
Mapping the algebra of pure electronic degrees of freedom onto a pure vibrational Hilbert space. See an example in our recent paper in J. Phys. Chem. Lett.!
New paper: Electron-nuclei correlations in ultrafast field induced dynamics on dissociative states
Our paper about electron-nuclei correlations in ultrafast field induced dynamics of LiH is published in the special issue of J. Phys. B: At., Mol. Opt. Phys.! In this work we focus on the question of how mass of the nuclei affects the non-adiabatic transfer during the dynamics on dissociative potentials. See details here